The tale of a Minnesotan, living in Maine, Traveling to Tampa for the UCC General Synod 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Frequency of Synod

Yesterday was rough, I won't lie. It felt disjointed, it felt awkward, and it felt, well, not very Christ like. Whichever way you or I may feel or have felt about the Unified Governance proposal, feelings were hurt, and we should all be saddened by that.

Today's morning Plenary session included a prayer at the Point of Privilege mic by a very well spoken young man (so nice to see one up there for something other than calling the question!!) that spoke to the healing this group will need.

Sigh. Whoever said being church was easy probably never was.

Now we are discussing the matter of how frequently Synod will meet - continuing with every 2 years, or switching to every 3 or 4?

This is very hard and I personally feel there are totally valid points on both sides.

and we're voting...

It didn't pass. We will be sticking to the 2 year schedule for the foreseeable future.

(written on July 5th at approx. 9am)

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